FCC Form 498 and the Billed Entity Applicant Reimbursement (BEAR) Method, Part 2

FCC Form 498 and BEAR invoicing Part 2If you’ve chosen the BEAR method of invoicing and your FCC Form 498 is approved, you can submit an FCC Form 472 (BEAR Form) to request reimbursement.

Filing tip: One BEAR form per service provider
Only one service provider can be listed on a BEAR Form, so you must file at least one BEAR Form for each service provider you have.  

You can submit BEAR forms however often you want, according to what is most convenient  for you. Some entities choose to invoice monthly, but you can also submit forms quarterly, or once at the end of the funding year. Just make sure to submit the form for reimbursement no later than 120 days after either (1) your services end, or (2) the date on your FCC Form 486 Approval Letter, whichever date is later.

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